Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Higher Practice of the Law of Sacrifice

As a London temple ordinance worker, I often reflect on certain gospel principles that are key to our understanding our position before the Lord. One of them is the Law of Sacrifice.

Elder M Russell Ballard taught: “Although the Law of Moses was fulfilled, (in the sacrifice of the Savior) the principles of the Law of Sacrifice continue to be a part of the doctrine of the Church…. While the primary purpose of the Law of Sacrifice continues to be that of testing and assisting us to come unto Christ, two adjustments were made after Christ’s ultimate sacrifice. First, the ordinance of the sacrament replaced the ordinance of [animal] sacrifice; and second, this change moved the focus of the sacrifice from a person’s animal to the person himself. In a sense, the sacrifice changed from the offering to the offerer…. After his mortal ministry, Christ elevated the law of sacrifice to a new level….Instead of the Lord requiring a person’s animal or grain, now the Lord wants us to give up all that is ungodly. This is a higher practice of the law of sacrifice; it reaches into the inner soul of a person”  (The Law of Sacrifice) M Russell Ballard 

This quote really enlightened my understanding of this principle. It is one thing to hear it discussed and taught. It is another to invite it into your life and practice it. 

Hope it influenced you like it did me.   

All is well………Niel  (Elder Strong)

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