Tuesday, January 14, 2014


  Having succeeded in having a wonderful, if not, slightly “Abby Normal” Christmas, we are looking forward to the New Year. Our daughter, Jill, who makes this blog possible, shared a post on Facebook: 

2014 will be better!  We are happy to begin anew, and are committed to this being the best of years. We have to say that, only because we will be working (did I say working?) in the temple straight through to March. So, it’s time to buck-up and get the work done. 

We have been in the process of helping the Littlefield’s plan a New Year’s Eve party. Since we will be in the temple until 8:00 pm on New Year’s Eve and back there again on January 2nd, we decided to use the French New Year and be done at 11:00 pm. So far, there are only two couples signed up to come. We’ll see. Well, what happened is a certain Bro. Jimmy Osmond called the temple presidency and inquired if they would hold a special session for his daughter, who is leaving on her mission to Milwaukee, WI. She needed to be endowed on the "QT." Everyone who attended the session (which was held on Dec 31st, around 8:00 pm) came to bring in the new year after that. We had a lot of fun playing games and singing Old Lang Syne. Then we went to bed.

By the way, on our last week before Christmas, we helped patrons from Portugal, New Zealand, Spain and France in one session and then, a couple from Bulgaria in the next. Once again, that is what’s so special about this temple. We just love meeting and helping these patrons from far off lands. 

We began the new year with a wonderful trip to see Windsor Castle. I just love seeing these places with all their history and beautiful architecture. 

The changing of the guard at Windsor. The soldiers on sentry duty are usually drawn from the five regiments of foot guards, (Coldstream, Grenadier, Scots, Irish, and Welsh guards) of which one battalion is always stationed at Windsor.

St George's Chapel began under Edward the IV in 1745. It was completed in 1528 by Henry the VIII. We saw the burial places of many nobles including Henry the VIII and many kings and queens.

St. George's Chapel

It was a cold, windy, rainy day, but if you live in England that doesn’t stop you one bit. We are really learning how to cope with all the water coming down all the time. It makes coming home to a warm, cozy flat so much more fun. Usually, I crawl into my bed and cover up with a warm comforter.  

We said goodbye to several missionaries and temple workers this week. 

Sister Lynne Barker says "Good bye"

Sister March in her "Hello"

Sister Mullholland in her "Hello"

Brother Mullholland saying his "Hello"

The London Temple Presidency

Temple Visitor's Centre sisters, singing together

It is very rewarding to get to know all of these people. Some of them come from places and lifestyles that are foreign to us and we have been able to appreciate them all the more.

We trust that all who are waiting out a very chilly and harsh January will be warmed by the light of the gospel and comforted by the knowledge that “This, too, will pass.”  

Love to you all.

Sister Strong -aka- Carolee and Granny  

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