Thursday, January 23, 2014


It’s surprising how quickly the weeks fly by. It’s almost as fast as the jet planes fly over our Accommodation Centre as they approach to land at Gatwick Airport. Like the planes, some little, some big, we have little and big weeks as we serve in the temple. This week was a combination of both, however. There were a few days during the week where we had only about 30 patrons come to the temple and only one baptistry scheduled. Then, on Saturday, the Lord must have used a spiritual awakening on a lot of saints, because they came in great numbers. It was wonderful, or I should say, "brilliant" to see so many patrons appear all throughout the day. I don’t think we have EVER been that busy, at least whilst we have been serving here. The problem was, we are short, and I mean short, of temple workers. Even the English temple workers have been heard to say that they don’t know what they would do without the Americans. We truly need members to commit to serving on a regular basis in the temple. Honestly, I don’t think I could last through another busy day like the one we just had. Both Niel and I are TOO old to run that fast all the day long. But, may I say that we were certainly blessed. Because of my diabetes, I need to eat every so often or I start to get the shakes and lose my concentration etc. The Lord was with me, as I was able to keep going without food or rest for the whole day. It was a miracle. So, I want you all to know that I have a testimony of what Nephi said: “I will go and do the things which the Lord commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the things which he commandeth them.”  1 Nephi 3:7

Now on to our little trip, which, by the way, we really needed. Happily, the weather was perfect, cold, but still perfect. We have been literally washed and washed here with rain this winter. The temple and accommodation centre have now been flooded three times. The temple baptistry and baby nursery is where it is usually bad and the accommodation centre basement is wet and extremely stinky with a musty, moldy smell. So we were absolutely thrilled to see sunshine….

Excuse me, I need to break into song…. 

“Oh, there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine.When the peaceful happy moments roll. When Jesus shows his smiling face, There is sunshine in the Soul.”

And off we went to a place called Beachy Head and The Seven Sisters. Let me tell you, the White Cliffs of Dover are nice, but these bluffs are truly spectacular. We had a wonderful day. It was restful and so nice to get away. We old people really need a few more days like this. Thankfully, the coast is fairly close to where we live. The channel was completely calm and beautiful. We had no wind to deal with and, of course, no rain. (Hip Hip Horray)   


English Channel at Beachy Head. Calm channel, beautiful day.

Call box in the middle of nowhere. Used for more than making calls.

The Royal Mailbox

Half of this building is already gone to sea.

Taking time to rest

Now, a new week has started. We are ready for it, and, if we keep our door shut tight, the moldy smell can’t come into our flat. (So there!...or as Elder Littlefield says, “Neener Neener”)  Niel is attempting to take the British Driver’s License Theory Test, which comes before the actual Driving Test. He sent away for the book (?) from which the test will be taken and got back a real book of 512 pages. It’s not like the pamphlet the DMV puts out, let me tell you. 

There are 13 categories and each category has about 100 possible questions that could be on the test. So, of all these questions, 50 will be on the test, but no one knows exactly which of the questions from the 13 categories will be there. Capeche? He is able to take a trial test on his laptop every day, twice. He’s getting better all the time. He is also practicing “good” driving techniques when we are out on the road. He checks both his rear view and side mirrors (with a turn of the head, no just looking with your eyes) and keeps his hands at 10 and 2 at all times. Even when he does a turn, his hands NEVER leave the 10 and 2 position. That would mean he could lose control. So, he shuffles the steering wheel between his 10 and 2 position. His provisional driving permit should come soon and then he can take the theory test etc. Now you know that if you can accomplish getting your driver’s license here as a teenager it will not have to be renewed until you are 70. What da you think?

We miss you all.  

Please keep us in your prayers.   

Love Mom

1 comment:

  1. Love your postings and the fabulous pictures. Who needs to visit England with the photos you provide plus the history provided. Wishing you good health & safety while serving the Lord.
